RiverTools 4.0 Capabilities
General Features
- Runs on the latest versions of Windows, Mac & Linux
- 64-bit file and data set support
- Ability to process very large DEMs
- Fast, state-of-the-art algorithms and processing methods
- Automatic multi-core processing
- Toggling between Direct and Object graphics (publication quality)
- Friendly, point-and-click user interface
- Stand-alone application, with embedded IDL license
- Can use IDL (Interactive Data Language) as a scripting language
- User extendable with plug-ins in User menu
- Affordable pricing and academic discounts
- Flexera InstallAnywhere installer
- Personal, floating-network and educational lab licenses
- Great toolkit for teaching & research
Visualization Tools
- Color Shaded Relief
- Contour Plots (line or filled)
- Density Plots
- Color Shaded Aspect
- 3D Surface Plots (mesh, lego)
- River Network Maps
- Points and Channel Sources
- Masked Regions
- Functions (e.g time series or saved profiles)
- Animated Grid Sequences (time-indexed grid stacks)
- ESRI Shapefiles
- DLG (Digital Line Graph) files
- Multi-Layer Plots (vector layers overlaid on raster)
- Map projection of any Display image
- Color Tool, with many color tables and palettes
- Save images in many image formats, now including KML and PDF
Interactive Window Tools
- Line Profile (display grid values along transects)
- Channel Profile (display grid values along streamlines)
- Reach Info (select and compute attributes of any channel reach)
- Value Zoom (view and edit grid values, coordinates, etc.)
- Vector Zoom (contours, cell boundaries and D8 flow vectors)
- Vector Zoom MF (contours, cell boundaries and continuous angle flow vectors)
- Surface Zoom (3D perspective color wire mesh, logo, shaded, etc.)
- Density Zoom
- Relief Zoom (full resolution shaded relief)
- Add Scale Bar (automatic, configurable)
- Add Color Bar (automatic, configurable)
- Add Text (text annotation tool)
- Add Marker (add location markers, different symbols and sizes)
- Flood Image (simulated flooding of the DEM)
Tools allow users to interact with Display windows at full resolution.
Tool windows are automatically linked and track/update together.
Extensive HTML Help System
- Context-sensitive Help button in every dialog
- Illustrated, hyperlinked Tutorials
- Guide to DEM Data Formats
- Complete User's Guide
- Hyperlinked Glossary of Terms
- Helpful, informative error messages and warnings
- RiverTools Command Reference (PDF, describes low-level scripting commands)
Ability to Import Many DEM File Formats
- ARC BIL Binary Raster (.bil + .hdr)
- ARC BIL Binary Raster (.flt + .hdr)
- ENVI Binary Raster (.img + .hdr)
- Flat Binary
- RiverTools Binary (RTG for batch copy)
- USGS SDTS Raster Profile (cel0.ddf)
- USGS Standard ASCII (.dem)
- DTED Level 0, 1 or 2 (.dt0, .dt1)
- GeoTIFF (.tif, including tiled)
- GMT / NetCDF Raster (.grd, .nc)
- GRD98 Raster (NGDC)
- MOLA DEM for Mars (.img + .lbl) (before PDS format)
- NOAA/NOS EEZ Bathymetry
- SRTM DEM (.hgt)
- Surfer 7 Binary DEM (.grd)
- ARC Gridded ASCII Z
- Gridded ASCII XYZ (row-major)
- Gridded ASCII Z (row-major)
- Irregular ASCII XYZ
These formats allow the following elevation data sets and many
more to be imported:
"Matching wildcard" mechanism allows batch import of tiles, etc.
Smart import feature scans for missing georeferencing info and offers advice.
Flow Grid and River Network Extraction
- D8, D-Infinity and Mass Flux flow grid methods
- Multiple pit-resolution methods
- Multiple flat-resolution methods
- Multiple flow grid "pruning" methods
- Export river channels to Shapefiles with 20 optional attributes
- Graphical basin outlet selection tool
Derived Grids
- Flow direction grids (D8, D-infinity, Mass Flux Method)
- Total and specific contributing area (D8, D-infinity, Mass Flux Method)
- Channel slope (D8, D-infinity, Mass Flux Method)
- Flow distance
- Longest channel length
- Plan, profile, tangential, streamline, mean and Gaussian curvature, etc.
- Basin relief & Horton-Strahler order
- Pfafstetter basin codes
- Topographic Index
- Profile-smoothing tool
- Grid Calculator (compute new grids as mathematical functions of others)
Watershed Delineation
- Basin or subbasin boundaries (RiverTools Vector or shapefile format)
- Watershed segmentation
- Analyze basins by Horton order
- Export basin boundaries to Shapefiles with 36 optional attributes
- General tools for automatic feature masking (e.g lakes, land/sea)
- Basin shape analysis tools
Ellipsoids and Map Projections
- 50 Earth ellipsoid models
- 36 GCTP Map Projections for Object Graphics mode
- 19 Map Projections for Direct Graphics mode
- All area, length and slope calculations account for latitude-dependence
- Can use Geographic or UTM data
- Best-known ellipsoids for other planets and moons
Analysis and Plotting Tools
- Data Summary Table for Strahler Streams
- Generalized Horton Plots
- Empirical Distributions (CDFs) for all Strahler stream attributes
- X vs. Y plots of stream and link attributes
- Smart Histograms and bar plots
- Side tributary matrix (to analyze self-similarity)
- Link Concentration Functions
- Width Functions
- Hypsometric (area-altitude) curves (4 types)
- Area-distance curves
- Longitudinal profiles (elevation and other grids, curve fitting)
DEM and Grid Preparation
- Batch import of DEM tiles with "matching wildcards"
- Graphical, batch mosaicking tool for DEM tiles
- DEM subsetting/ clipping tool (extract georeferenced DEM for a subregion)
- Convert D8 flow grids between ARC, RiverTools, TOPAZ, etc.
- Convert size, data type, units, etc. of grids
- Merge Files (merge RTV, RTM, text and RTG-to-RTS)
- Replace bad values (rubber sheet interpolation to fill holes)
- Replace values (e.g. NaN and nodata values)
- Gzip and ungzip tools
Vector File Format Support
- Overlay vector data in multi-layer plots (points, lines, polygons, etc.)
- Create and Display RiverTools Vector (RTV) format files
- Export RiverTools Vector (RTV) format to Shapefiles
- ARC Shapefiles (read, write or display), display attribute tables
- DLGs (Digital Line Graphs, in SDTS Topological Vector Profile format)
Sample DEM Data Included
- Beaver Creek Geographic (Kentucky, USA, 1 arcsecond)
- Beaver Creek UTM (Kentucky, USA, 30 meters)
- Grand Canyon
- Harvard Glacier
- Kasei Valles (river channels on Mars)
- Kentucky Rills (near Bledsoe, Kentucky)
- Mount Saint Helens (before and after 1984 eruption)
- Mount Sopris
- Oahu (Hawaii)
- Test Surfaces (collection of theoretical surfaces)
- Treynor Experimental Watershed (Iowa)
- Upper Snake River (Colorado, with Keystone ski resort)
RiverTools is a trademark of Rivix, LLC.
IDL is a registered trademark of Harris Geospatial